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New to Programming

PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 7:11 pm
by gspro
Hello forum,
As mentioned in the subject line, I am 41 and totally new to programming. I don't have the means at the moment to take some basic classes or anything, between children and work there's lack of time and was wondering if, starting with Objective-Basic, I can reach any goals, on spare time, at home on my own. I have a MIDI related project in mind that I would like to construct/build on my own.

Any inputs on this matter are greatly appreciated,
Thank you

Re: New to Programming

PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:12 pm
by berndnoetscher
What exactly do you mean with "midi" project?

Re: New to Programming

PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:51 pm
by gspro
Hello Sir and thank you for the reply.
By MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), what I meant as a project was to create an Application that sends and receives System Exclusive Messages, Control Changes, Patch changes and so on for Digital Sound Modules. The application of course, has to be written for specific sound modules and I believe I will have to do some reading on the CoreMidi documentation from Apple. But, as I said I don't know anything about programming. I did take a look at XCode about 3 weeks ago and got scared:):):), but, throught macupdate I came accross Objective-Basic and posted my question here to find out if, I will be able to learn programming with Objective-Basic on my own spare time. I know that Rome was not built in a day. Everything takes, willingness, time and patience.

I hope I answered your question with the best of my knowledge

Thank you again,

Re: New to Programming

PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 6:57 pm
by berndnoetscher
Well, the midi interface is not directly supported by ObjB yet.
I would start with the examples of ObjB and would try to learn the basic's of ObjB. After that I would try to get the midi stuff working.
It is possible to get access to low-level functions of Cocoa and Co, but this is expert mode.

Re: New to Programming

PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:53 pm

I have a similar question:
Using an IntelMac with "USB to Serial Adaptor", for example Profilic Chip and Driver:
Can I open "serialports" and get control over RS232 devices ?

I am new, too, and I remember, this was really easy in Futurebasic some years ago on 68K Macs (with standard Modemport in that time)

Thanks whxde

Re: New to Programming

PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:34 am
by berndnoetscher
WHXDE wrote:Hello,

I have a similar question:
Using an IntelMac with "USB to Serial Adaptor", for example Profilic Chip and Driver:
Can I open "serialports" and get control over RS232 devices ?

I am new, too, and I remember, this was really easy in Futurebasic some years ago on 68K Macs (with standard Modemport in that time)

Thanks whxde

Look for an Cocoa/Objective-C framework doing this. It is possible to inlcude any Objective-C framework in your project.

Re: New to Programming

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:02 pm
by udo.killermann

Have a look at This is a Cocoa wrapper for the native serial port API provided by Apple.

Kind regards